A Hierarchy of Motivation

Some needs are more important than others, making sure that you meet your physiological needs verses your esteem needs. With that said when you meet your basic needs it makes it easier to move forward and meet other needs such as belonging and love or self actualization needs. When you choose to ignore your basic needs such as thirst and hunger it will make it impossible to meet over needs because you will be to focused on the needs you have not meet. Abraham Maslow has based his theory around this concept. His theory, the Hierarchy of Needs is a pyramid of human needs, beginning at the base with physiological needs that must be met before you can move up. Then there is safety needs followed by belongingness and love needs, esteem needs and the top of the pyramid is self actualization needs. However Maslow’s hierarchy is not always what is most realistic are some people situations, or when they are trying to make a point. For example people have starved themselves to make a political statement. All though his hierarchy may not always work the framework can be applied to our thinking of motivation. (Myers, 2007)

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